Monday 3 May 2010

My Portfolio

At last I've got around to creating an online portfolio!

Check it out at:

I've put a mixture of my published work up as well as some Indy stuff that I either helped out with or put together, like the Dressing Table feature! While interning I mentioned on here that there was the possibility of this being published and it was! I was one happy camper let me tell you!

TaTa for now,

Tara xoxo

début magazine

It was deadline week last week so finally début is complete!! And now I can share some of my hard work with you...

(I can't upload the PDF so some photos will have to suffice! I will publish it on eventually)

Let me know what you think!

Tara xoxo

p.s more interning is on the horizon - will fill you in when I know more :)